Could Donald Trump be TIME’s 2024 Person of the Year? 🤔

Odo Simon Agbo
4 min readApr 15, 2024

Diagnosing the obsessions, trials, legal woes and travails of Donald J. Trump.

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As Donald J. Trump goes on criminal trial today as the first former U.S. President to be so treated, I have a question. We know Donald. He is smarter and stronger than the cat, because unlike the cat, he has more than nine lives. In fact, he has up to 91 lives.

President Trump as I observe in my book have been obsessing about an award that could elevate him to the elitist status of the likes of Barack Obama, who have won the Nobel Prize for one accomplishment or the other. In fact, Trump, according to people close to him usually agonizes at the end of the year when the various rating bodies — FORBES, TIME, THE NOBEL PRIZE announce their winners without including him. So, my question is, can this his trial and travails avail him the opportunity to clinch the TIME’s Person of the Year 2024 even if it is for the wrong reason or publicity?

He has played the game of life according to his own rules (Baker & Glasser, 2022. p. 6) always changing the rules of the game to benefit him, including changing the goalpost to make it easier for him to score goals and to make it difficult for his opponent to score against him, and even making emergency rules to disallow his opponent’s goals if they notoriously score against him. For this reason, Mr. Trump will not bring himself to govern under the laws and within the precinct of the existing laws including the American constitution. Yet you’d often hear him tout himself as the “law-and-order President”. Do you believes him?

His ambitions are primarily driven by predilection and desire for revenge (Haberman, 2022, pp. 10 &311, Baker & Glasser, 2022. p.15) rivalry, fame, disparage or humiliation or to get even. When he heaps praises on Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Vladimir Putin of Russia, it is because he hopes that by mixing up with such people, he could be seen as a peacemaker. His Middle East peace initiative is for the same purpose. The ultimate endpoint is to win the Nobel Prize for peace. When he bemoans not having won the Nobel Prize for peace, it is because he wants to get even with President Barack Obama in that front. That’s an accolade in Obama’s kit that puts him in a class that Trump’s seethes about.

The story of Trump’s Make America Great Again, MAGA is a story of a man and the President who was easily manipulated by foreign leaders/governments and members of his own political party for personal gain. The most powerful man in the world became a ready tool to be used to satisfy myriads of ulterior motifs. Trump’s predisposition to being a willing tool to be used was borne out of/driven by his greed for money and fame and his own idiotic cravings. The idea that simply holding a summit or a joint news conference with the leader of North Korea would earn him his coveted Nobel Prize for peace was the sole driver for his obsession to hold his summit with Kim Jong Un.

It is already a cliché to state that President Trump abandoned democratic allies and democratic ethos and clung to oligarchs and monarchical dictatorship. He likes that style of leadership and sought to run America like a ruthless monarch. He made himself into the “law” for the Americans. No laws, not even the sacred American constitution mattered to Trump except the opinions of his die-hard loyalists and his fallacious convictions.

Are you still wondering why Donald Trump venerates and seems to play to the whims and caprices of Mr. Vladimir Putin of Russia? Even his own national security adviser, Chief of staff wondered what Putin had on him. But my hunch tells me that all those pandering, running, and hunting with Putin was aimed at showcasing himself as a peacemaker, a peace-loving individual and President — an appellation he would have hoped and expected to earn him his coveted Nobel Prize for peace. He must have thought that simply having a photo Op and being seen together with the belligerent leader of North Korea would generate a global sentiment that will nudge the committee to name him a recipient. He was reported to have instigated the Prime Minister of Japan to nominate him for the laureate in return for a favor.

So as this demagogue as I prefer to call him, faces a criminal trial today, the first for a former U.S. President, these are my questions to you: Could his trial bring him unexpected recognition? In his quest for recognition, Trump’s actions blur the lines between diplomacy and personal gain. Will his trial be a turning point in his pursuit of accolades? The real motives behind Trump’s actions remain a mystery. But one thing is clear: his thirst for recognition knows no bounds. Will his trial lead to unexpected outcomes?

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Odo Simon Agbo
Odo Simon Agbo

Written by Odo Simon Agbo

Wisdom-Time Books & Publications: Content Creator - novelist, poet, essayist. Reading & writing is a way of life. Inspired by every environment to write.

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